
FAQ Apartment Renters

Question: Should I buy renters insurance?

Question: Doesn't my landlord have insurance, isn't my landlord required to have insurance?

Question: I don't have enough to insure, do I?

Question: Doesn't my landlord have insurance, isn't my landlord required to have insurance?

Answer: Maybe. Wow, that is a lame answer. It is correct though. Many landlords do have insurance. However, that insurance does not protect your possessions or your liability costs if you are sued. The majority of landlords are not required to have any insurance.

Question: I don't have enough to insure, do I?

Answer: I bet you do. Think about it. If you itemized the replacement value of everything in your living space you probably have:

$____________ Clothes, Socks, Underwear, Outerwear
$____________ Watches, Jewelry
$____________ Pot Pans
$____________ Dishes
$____________ Silverware
$____________ Linens
$____________ Toiletries
$____________ Food
$____________ Furniture
$____________ Something Hanging On Your Wall
$____________ Entertainment Devices
$____________ Movies, Music, Games...
$____________ Stuff in Storage Bins
$____________ Outside Use Stuff
$____________ Stuff I Didn't Think Of
$____________ Total

If you honestly calculate the cost new of everything you have your are probably over $10,000 easily. Occasionally someone get around $5,000 but they still can't afford to throw their stuff away so they still need insurance.

Question: Should I buy renters insurance?

Answer: Yes. What else did you expect us to say? Okay, Okay, here are some reasons.

Some common reasons given when people choose to not buy a renters insurance policy include:

1. They think the landlord has it covered.

True, your landlord may have a landlord insurance policy, but it only covers his building, his possessions, and his liability, not your possessions or personal liability. You do need a renters insurance policy, contact us so that we can design one to fit your needs at 607-843-8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com.

2. They think it's too expensive.

We found policies that start at $65 per year. A policy tailor-made for you could also be inexpensive. To get your own special policy, contact us at 607-843-8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com.

3. They don't know it exists.

Surprise! It exists! For more details, contact us at 607-843-8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com.

4. They feel they don't have enough possessions to warrant a policy.

If they could throw away everything they own and not be bothered, they might be right. The vast majority of people would be bothered if they lose even a portion of what they own. Therefore, most people do need renters insurance, and it is usually less expensive than what they think. To find out how much your policy would cost, contact us at 607-843-8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com.