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Tales Of Woe*

*Unless you keep your agent and insurer informed.  These are cautionary insurance tales of real or dramatizations of real life scenarios.


A Pedestrian is Suing Me for No Good Reason

A Landlord is sued by a pedestrian who broke their ankle after a trip and fall on a sidewalk defect in front of the Landlord's property. According to the following investigation, the tenant's lease specifies that the Landlord was responsible for the sidewalk upkeep, meaning that the Landlord would likely be responsible for the loss. So of course the Landlord ends up paying a lot of money to cover the loss.

How could this situation have been avoided?

The commercial lease should stipulate that the ground floor tenant is responsible for the care and repair of the sidewalk. If the Landlord had previously obtained a Certificate of Insurance naming the Landlord as an Additional Insured from the building's grade level commercial tenant, the insurance company would have then tendered the loss to the tenant and their insurer, which would assume the defense and the responsibility of the claim.

607 843 8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com

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