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Staying Safe When Lightning Strikes

During the summer weather, it can be tempting to play one more hole of golf, hike just one more mile, or throw a few more pitches to a budding baseball player. But if lightning is in the area, those decisions can be dangerous. Lightning is the third largest storm-related killer in the U.S., and causes nearly $1 billion in damages a year*. While summer is peak season for thunderstorms and lightning, storms can strike any time year-round. And, each flash of lightning carries the potential for injury and property damage. Staying safe is critical. That is why we have gathered important information here that will help you protect yourself and your loved ones.

What is My Best Protection Against Lightning?

First, understand there is no safe place outside during a lightning storm. If thunderstorms are expected, you should stop any outdoor activities quickly - even if you are still mowing the lawn or enjoying your picnic. Many lightning casualties occur because people fail to seek shelter soon enough. Be sure to monitor local weather conditions and have a plan if thunderstorms are expected. Your home’s best protection against a lightning strike is a lightning protection system; you can contact a certified lightning protection specialist for more information.

What Do I Do If I Am Caught Outside In a Lightning Storm?

As soon as you hear thunder, stop all outdoor activities immediately and safely get into a building or a hard-topped vehicle. It may be tempting to get into a golf cart or a lean-to, but those will not provide adequate protection. If you absolutely cannot get to safety, try to stay away from open fields, hilltops, tall trees or other tall objects. Go to the lowest place possible, such as a ravine or valley, and squat in a baseball catcher’s position – with your heels touching, ears covered, and head between your knees. Minimize contact with the ground – do NOT lie flat. You should avoid water and anything metal, such as golf clubs or bicycles.

What Do I Do If I Am Driving During a Storm?

Safely exit the roadway and park. Stay in the vehicle and turn on emergency flashers until the storm subsides. Avoid touching metal or other surfaces that can conduct electricity.

How Do I Protect Myself Indoors?

You may want to pass the time by watching television or going on line, but your best bet is to unplug televisions, computers and any other high-value electronics well before the storm hits. Once the storm begins, do not touch any electrical equipment or cords, including corded phones. You can use cellular or cordless phones. Stay away from windows and doors and do not go on porches.

What If My House Is Hit By Lightning?

Call 911 immediately and evacuate your home if you see fire or smoke. You may want to ask your local fire department to check for hot spots in your walls. If you use gas for heating and cooking – contact your gas company or a licensed contractor to conduct a leak test before re-entering. Gas system components have been known to be punctured as a result of direct or nearby lightning strikes.

Thunderstorms often strike with little warning, particularly during the warmer months when they are most likely to occur—and when we are most likely to be enjoying outdoor activities.

When you hear thunder, you should immediately seek:

1. Indoor Shelter

Get inside the nearest available vehicle or building— keeping all windows shut—and stay there for at least 30 minutes after the storm passes before returning outside. Avoid picnic tents, pavilions or other open, outdoor structures.

2. Low Ground

Avoid hilltops and open areas. Lightning always seeks the highest ground, so if indoor shelter is not available, crouching down in the nearest, lowest, unexposed point is a better bet.

3. Distance Yourself From Tall Objects

Never stand near pointy, towering structures — particularly metal ones — which can act as lightning rods. Avoid lone trees, flagpoles, telephone poles, fences and antennas.

Being outside during a thunderstorm is never safe. Lightning strikes accompanying these storms pose a serious threat to people and property. Always listen to weather reports when you have an outdoor activity planned, and reschedule if thunderstorms are in the forecast.

Despite your best efforts, you may still find yourself caught outside as an unexpected thunderstorm approaches. In cases when a safe, indoor shelter is absolutely not available, here are some scenario-specific tips that may help lessen your chance of being struck by lightning.

Person On the Golf Course

If you are nowhere near the clubhouse, move away from hilltops, open areas and water. Stay as far away from tall trees and metal conductors (like wires and fences) as possible. Move away from your golf cart and clubs. Try to maintain at least 20 feet of distance between you and other golfers on the course.

Boat On the Water

Most lightning-related injuries and deaths on boats occur on vessels without a cabin. Larger boats with cabins are relatively safe, particularly when a lightning protection system is properly installed. If you cannot return to shore before the storm hits, drop anchor and get as low as possible or retreat to a cabin if your boat has one. Remember to stay off the radio unless there is an emergency, too. It is also a good idea to keep away from metallic surfaces, which may conduct electricity.

When Hiking

Always avoid lone trees and other tall objects. Stay away from rocky outcrops, ledges, water, and wet items like ropes and towels, too. If you are deep in the forest, retreat underneath a group of small trees, preferably surrounded by taller ones. In more open areas, retreat to and crouch down in the closest dry, low area.

If You Are Swimming

Get out of the water immediately. If your car is parked within walking distance, return to it immediately. Do NOT stand under picnic or other open-sided shelters. Never stand under the lifeguard chair or near metal objects (fences, poles).

Do not be lulled into a false sense of security if the storm is several miles away. In general, a significant lightning threat extends outward from the base of a thunderstorm cloud about 6 to 10 miles.

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