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DRICKARD Insurance

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607-843-8860    insurance@drickardinsurance.com


Antique and Collectable Automobiles

Most Insurers define antique auto as being manufactured at least 25 years ago, and driven primarily in parades and exhibitions, and infrequently for other purposes. While a classic auto is defined as a motor vehicle of the private passenger type which is 10 or more years old and may be used on a regular basis. Its value is significantly higher than the average value of other autos of the same make and model year.

We have now found a new program for higher (better than book) valued autos regardless of age. Several underwriting guidelines apply. Please call us for more details! 607-843-8860

Cover What You Collect, Click Here to quote and bind online.

If you have any questions please, contact us: insurance@drickardinsurance.com or 607-843-8860.

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