
Food Service Industry
Savings Ideas

Please contact us today at 607-843-8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com and ask us to build you an insurance package that fits your needs, the savings and value can be considerable. We can find insurance for many types of businesses in the food service industry.

Discounts/Credits: We want to save you money, while providing the insurance protection you need. As you know, Part of being a smart business owner is making sure that you are getting all of the discounts that you qualify for, and learning what other types of smart things that you can do that can result in savings on your insurance premium.

What savings do you qualify for? For more information, contact us at 607-843-8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com.

Here is a partial list of some discounts and credits1 that you may qualify for:


Savings By Numbers

Money Saving Idea #1

Keep the receipts separate! We have noticed that many businesses are keying soft drinks on the same beverage key as alcohol. When you do this it effects your insurance in at least two ways. The first is the effect that an inflated alcohol sales volume can have on your liquor liability premiums. Since the majority of liquor liability premiums are based on liquor sales your certainly do not want pay any more than you have to.

Money Saving Idea #2

Sprinkler your building! A wow savings of approximately 40% - 60% will save you a pile of money! While it can be costly to install a sprinkler system it will pay for itself over time. So if you are plumbing your building, constructing one for the first time or looking for a location to lease, choosing 100% sprinkler covered buildings will save you premium dollars. There are additional rules to comply with for this huge savings. We invite you to contact us to discuss them at 607-843-8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com

1Not all discounts are available from all insurers. Contact us for details at 607-843-8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com.