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Are you getting all of the discounts you are entitled to? Below are a list of some of the discounts we have found offered my some insurers.  Not every insurance company offers them all and there may be differences in eligibility for these insurance discounts from carrier to carrier and state to state.  If you have a personal auto policy in New York State please call us and we may see what carriers and discounts you may be eligible for.  Please call 607-843-8860 or email us insurance@drickardinsurance.com so we may find you best match of price and product for you.

Accident Free Simply put the longer you go without having an accident the better your savings will be.  Some companies look back as far as five years when calculation price and teiring based on this consideration.  
Accident Prevention Course Taking a defensive driver's course or accident prevention course will save nearly 10% off of each driver's portion of your auto insurance policy.  Each driving member of the household should take the course for maximum savings.  These course may even be taken online and our website has a link to one of these classes.  The savings is good for 3 years.
Account Account Credit is another good savings tool to use.  When you have several different kinds of insurance with the same insurer they often will have a credit even if the policies are other than home and auto.
Advanced Quote Perhaps a better name for this premium saver would be advance purchase.  Several insurance companies will give you a better price if you replace you current insurance one or two weeks before the end of your current insurance term.
Annual Mileage Credit Endorsement The less you drive each car the more you can save.  So it is good to keep a record from one oil change to the next as proof of low milage driving habits and use this to add in more savings to your personal auto insurance policy.
Anti-Lock Brakes If your car has antilock brakes you can save.
Anti-Theft Depending on what type of anti-theft device you have on your auto will determine how much you can save in this category.
Away at School Without a Car If your young adult driver is away without an auto at the college campus that is usually 50 miles or more away from home, your insurer may discount the cost of car insurance on the vehicle that they usually would be driving for the period of time they are away.
Collector Car While collector car is not truly a discount,  because the rules for collector's car insurance are so strict you can save money by qualifying for this type of insurance.
Company Car If you have a company or employer supplied car is regularly available for your use you will most likely qualify for this discount.
Continuous Insurance There is not usually a clearly defined discount for this.  However we all seem to know that new, inexperienced drivers cost more to insure.  Every lapse of insurance counts against you.  Therefore, keeping continuous insurance can lead to savings.
Daytime Running Light If you auto has Daytime Running Lights you can see savings in most cases.
Defensive Driver See Accident Prevention Course
Distant Student See Away at school
Driver Training Not every insurer will give a discount for successfully completing a driver's training course.  It is worth asking about.
Electronic Funds Transfer The manner you pay your premiums will save you money.  Each installment comes with an installment fee.  Those fees are very low or sometimes waived completely for EFT monthly billing.
Early Signing See advanced quote.
Full Coverage Some insurers only offer insurance when physical damage and liability coverage is on the primary autos.  What we have noticed is that these companies prices are so good that you may actually save money when you add coverage as compared against your old too expensive insurance policy.
Good Student Do good in school save money on your insurance.
Homeowner Being able to prove that you are a homeowner is another way to save on car insurance even if you do not insure the home with your auto insurance company.
Homeowner and Multi-Car Home and auto insurance together with the same insurance company usually provides a discount.  Better than that,  When these two policies have the same renewal dates it is like a magic pricing moment.
Hybrid\Electric Vehicle Discount Green is a factor when getting better pricing.
Length of Time With Prior Carrier Insurers want loyal customers, so some offer to buy your loyalty by giving you an better price than your current insurance company...go figure...
New Car People tend to take better care and be more watchful of a new car they personally just purchased.  This fact is reflected in the new car discount applied to some policies.
Minor Child disclosed on policy That is correct.  Even if your young ones are not of driving age now, and you disclose them on your auto insurance, the insurer may have a better priced insurance package for your family auto policy.
Mobile Home Owner If you can prove that you are a mobile home owner by having an insurance policy on it some companies will give you a lower price on your auto insurance.
Multiple cars discount Having more than one car on a policy will usually save you money from having the same cars on separate policies.
Multi-Policy Having more than one policy with the same insurance company can many times save you money.  And time, that equates to money. 
Occupation While you will not see a discount on the declaration pages of you auto insurance policy we find that your current occupation and level of education are factors some insurers employ when creating your car insurance pricing.  It has a bearing on what tier of auto insurance they let you have.  The more white the collar and the more education you have the lower your premiums may be.  When planning your future this is something you may want to consider.
Paid in Full You save installment fees and more times than not get a better premium right up front.  Managing your money well does pay off.

Insurance companies are going paperless and the more they can communicate with electronically the better.  Receiving everything like the policies, ID cards and invoices may result in an overall premium savings on your auto insurance of 5%.

Passive Restraint

You can get up to 10% off on parts of your premium for having things like automatic seatbelts or airbags.  The more the better.

Pay on time faster tier upgrade

By now many of you are aware that auto insurance companies have many price tiers depending on many criteria.  Did you know that some look at how good you do at paying your premiums, on time or early, without them needing to send you cancellation notices.  After you have a good track record in place they are will to give you better pricing.  Again another example of the long view approach you should take with your car insurance planning.

Pay in Full Discount

While it stands to reason that you save money when you avoid paying installment fees by making fewer payments, you may save even more money on your car insurance by paying the entire premium off before the policy term starts.  In some cases the savings may be hundreds of dollars between the Pay In Full policy premium and the installment plan premiums of your auto insurance.  Other times by paying you vehicle insurance in full you may become eligible for a better class of policy.  Your auto insurance policy premium payment strategy really does make a difference to your bottom line.  Work with our agents to help you come up with a strategy you can really live with 607-843-8860, chat or insurance@drickardinsurance.com

Prior Limits A little known fact about auto insurance premium is a calculation that many insurance companies include a consideration for how high your current insurance coverage is today.  That is right,  the more coverage you have now, the more likely you will be able to get better premiums for on your next policy.  In some cases persons have very high limits of coverage and pay less than the persons who only have the state minimum limits of insurance.   So a strategy to employ is to buy the limits of coverage that make the most sense to you while providing valuable insurance protection for you, your passengers and those around you, while planning for your future needs with a mind to maximizing insurance and saving money at the same time.  For more on this insurance long view contact the agents at 607-843-8860, chat with us or email us at insurance@drickardinsurance.com
Residency Rewards Where you live has much to do with the cost of your insurance.  In some cases we have seen a difference in price of 15% depending on what side of the river you live on.  This is something to consider before buying a home and especially before renting an apartment.  Another factor is how long you have lived at your current address.  Stable residency does bring rewards when you live in the right areas.  Contact our agents to discuss the various insurance  zones in your area and how they will affect your premiums 607-843-8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com
Safety Equipment This discount varies depending safety features you vehicle has.  This class of discount is more precisely considered in other categories.
Student Away At School Depending how far away your student is at school without any of your vehicles to drive may create great savings for you.  Special conditions apply.
 SnapshotTM/ DrivewiseTM Are discounts that you may receive,  up to 30% off, when you install devices that Progressive or Allstate give to select customers to put in their autos, to keep track of your good driving habits.  Good Drivers really need to think about accepting this discount option.  Contact us to discuss whether or not you would be a good fit for this discount 607-843-8860 or insurance@drickardinsurance.com

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